AHSOW Leadership


The AHSOW Board of Directors includes these elected, voting members:
Executive Vice-President
Corporate Secretary
Education Manager East
Education Manager West
Director of Commerce
Director of Member Services
Information Manager
Manager of Publicity & Promotion
Bulletin Editor

The Board is elected at the Annual Meeting of members during the July International Convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

All membership and financial records are compiled for and reported at our Annual Meeting. All financial records are filed with the Barbershop Harmony Society. In September 1995, the Ancient Harmonious Society of Woodshedders, Inc. became a nonprofit Texas corporation. In 2021, the Board voted to do business as (DBA) “the Woodshedders”. AHSOW remains the official name.

The Board of AHSOW, Inc. is committed to a quality certification program that reserves our group for good ear-singers while adding even more fun to barbershopping. If you would like to try qualifying to become a member of AHSOW, look up a certifier in your district or come to the AHSOW room during an International event.